Monday, May 16, 2005

Star Wars Countdown

Yes, I do already have tickets. My husband went Friday to pick them up. We have been to every midnight showing of the prequels. It's a nerdity that I am quite proud of. I will be going down at about 4 pm to stand in line on Wednesday. We live in a small town, so we don't have to camp out! Thank goodness! I do want to have a life and not have to sleep on the concrete in front of Family Dollar. I have been trying to not read or watch too many things about Episode III. When Episode I came out, I read every single article I could find, and I watched every interview that I could see. I was really excited about it! Now, I just want it to be fresh. The people who put the trailers together seem to show too much too often. It is quite abominable.

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