Tuesday, July 08, 2008


People have been recommending this book to me for some time. My sisters love it! The were both down this past weekend and finally convinced me. I have intended on reading it for some time, but there were other books that I found to be more pressing - Whatever that means - Books that appealed to me at the moment because I am a selfish reader.
I do have to say I am not used to reading any modern day romance stories. I read Austen and the Brontes but there is a different feel with modern romance. I love the setting of the story. It's a place I am not too familiar with but love to imagine while drying up in the Arizona heat. Bella is the perfect example of a teenage girl in love. She's completely devoted. I have always been creeped out by vampires, but I really like the characters of Carlisle and Esme. Carlisle is so sacrificing of his own desire and cravings to help others, and Esme is a lovely counterpart to him. I have been intrigued by Team Edward and Team Jacob, but until I read all the books, I cannot truly have an opinion.

1 comment:

Randomanda said...

i am so glad you finally read it. yes!!
i like meyer's new take on vampires.. against the whole stereotypical version.