Friday, July 28, 2006

The novella

I have been reading my book that I wrote for Nanowrimo last November. It's pretty much crap, but I think I can work on it and make it better. I read a mystery novel last year that someone had recommended to me. I was appalled. You know, I don't think I am the best writer, but this story was so superficial and full of holes. I was bored. I might as well be watching an episode of Murder She Wrote. Oh well. I am not going to let anyone read it until it has been substantially revised and edited. Many of the characters need some work. But what do I care. It isn't like I will ever publish it or anything. I just wanted to accomplish my 50,000 words in one month goal. I did it and now I feel that I can probably do anything. It is a wonderful feeling.

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